Monday, March 26, 2012

Just Roll With It

The weekend was great!  I'll blog on that later..

For now, a moment in parenthood.

As I ruffled through my purse for my wallet to pay for our haircuts tonight, I remembered that my wallet was on our desk at home.  Perfect place for it, huh?  Ry had already left to go work on something at his parents and I had the boys with me, but no wallet.  Luckily, our hairstylist is amazing and totally understood!

I ran home, well drove home, you all know me, I don't run!  :)

Drove back and paid for our haircuts.

Thought to myself that the boys are behaving quite well, so lets stop at Save-A-Lot to do some price comparison.  We get down 2 aisles and Del immediately does his potty dance.  Which means I have 1 second to find the bathroom. 

As we were leaving the bathroom, I saw that Del hadn't quite made it in time.  So, I grabbed what I absolutely needed since I would not be stopping anywhere else and we checked out.

As we were driving home, God placed EVERY slow person in town in front of us.  

By the time we got home, this is how I felt!  

Sometimes things do not go as planned and you learn to just roll with it.

Happy Motherhood Monday!