Thursday, March 15, 2012

Easter Basket

Easter Sunday is one of my favorite holidays.  I don't know know if it's because I know Spring is right around the corner, or if it's because I love spending Sunday's together as a "family".  I usually host Easter dinner but this year will be different; I'm allowing someone else in the family to host it!  What's even better is that I get to celebrate this Easter as a mom with a child.  My daughter may be too young to find those "eggs", but at least I get to dress her up in a cute dress {that I purchased at The Children's Place yesterday in Auburn Hills}!  I did buy her a bag of plastic colored eggs, and she's got them all over the house.  I'm pretending to hope that she will get to know them well enough that she can find the eggs when grandma and grandpa hide them, lol.  The most exciting part of Easter is that I get to get her a basket!  As crafty as I am, I wanted to do something different then just buy a Easter basket--I wanted to make her one and fill it with what I want {which my husband and I will do together on our first date out with-out her this weekend........crazy......yes I did say 1st date since} 

So, I don't know how to sew {but I really, really, really wanna learn} but I did find a DIY tutorial Easter basket on Etsy for $7.00.   It did involve sewing so I was able to borrow a sewing machine and gave it a shot.   I went to a fabric store and purchased two different fabrics and TA DA........

What ya think?  It's pretty small but it will work for this year!  I will have to stuff it with a bunch of goodies.  It would be really cute if I could monogram her name or initials on it BUT I'm not that talented with a sewing machine :-)

If you would like this pattern, e-mail me here



1 comment:

  1. I love this Jen- sure beats the ones I bought today at Target. Heidi
