Monday, March 19, 2012

DIY Frog Invites!

It seems as though DIY projects are the things right now!  I always imagined being this crafty Mom who would make Christmas cards, birthday invitations and have all sorts of ideas for crafts with the kids.  Well, I'm a Mom!  That's a good start, right?!  
Like I said in my post on Friday, everybody has a crafty friend!  I had the idea of what I wanted to do for Abe's 1st birthday invitations but I knew I could not create them without my friend Mel!  So, I talked to her and between her and I, mainly her, this is what we did!
Supplies we used:  a few nice pair of scissors; eyes for the frog; frogs; envelopes/pockets to put frogs in; ribbon and friends! 

Mel found the perfect clip art and changed it in paint so it was black and white then she printed it on colored card stock.  She also free hand most of the frog, love how the frog looks!
Mel hard at work!
Jodie and Mel figuring out how we want the pockets to hold the frog.
Jodie and I cutting out the frogs, those little toes were tricky!
The pocket!
Eyes glued on the frog.  You could use the bubble eyes too but these were just as cute and cheaper!

I was actually being crafty for once!!  The ribbon was a perfect touch!!

Thanks girls for helping!!!!! 
Aren't they cute?!?!?!
If I can help create this, then anybody can!!! 



  1. Jenn, those are adorable!!!! I'm so proud of you--you crafty mommy! It was fun, wasn't it? Xoxo Jen

  2. Nice work, Jenn! :) How great to have helpers!!
