Saturday, March 24, 2012

I Scream..You Scream..We All Scream For???


So all week I have been in the mood for ice cream as we have had record high weather in March; however the problem has been that all the seasonal ice cream stores are still closed.  Today I decided that I would take my girls for ice cream and we would find a place that was open.  Well...we drove all over downtown Grand Rapids and they were all closed except for the chains (I'm not much of a fan) and finally I decided to give up.  We headed back to Rockford and I decided to give it one more try and see if Rockies was open- IT WAS...well of coarse both of my girls had now fallen sound asleep and I didn't know what I was going to do as I had driven a long ways to find ice cream.  After driving around Rockies for a few minutes I found a spot right near the entry and decided to run to get ice cream while the girls were sleeping.  As soon as we pulled in at home and I had eaten all my ice cream both of my girls woke up screaming ICE CREAM- they had both missed out on the treat and were not happy with momma. After about five minutes of them screaming they wanted ice cream I remembered I had Mint Chocolate Chip in the freezer and they were so happy.  So literally not only did I want ice cream really bad, my girls screamed for ice cream giving even more meaning to the phrase "I Scream You Scream We All Scream For Ice Cream".  

I hope you all got to enjoy some ice cream!


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