Friday, June 22, 2012

Embrace Grace

God's grace is endless. 

Having God's grace, to me, means being forgiven. 

How can we expect God to forgive us, when we cannot forgive others. 

God doesn't bring up your past, so you shouldn't bring up others. 

Pointing fingers at other people and reminding them of their mistakes only upsets them.

While listening to Kim Bolton, along with her husband Tony Bolton sang and spoke along with the featured speaker Liz Curtis Higgs at a conference at Gull Lake Ministries, I was reminded that God forgives us, all of us!  He love us just the way we are, why wouldn't He...

He is our creator!!  

Amazing thought, huh?!

Liz asked us to stand in front of a mirror, raise our hands to the sky and say "Ta-da!"

Wowie, was she ever I stood in front of the mirror and saw exactly what God created, I smiled and really noticed all of the flaws that only I see.  We are all unique and we are all loved.

We are all loved by the One and Only!!

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23


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