
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Where has the last 10 months gone?

Ok, now I know why everyone misses it when their child is a newborn. When Maddie was a newborn, all I could say was I can't wait until she's bigger so she can do fun things. Well, now 10 months later, I'm not wishing that! I just can't believe it's already been 10 months, gosh it seems like it was just yesterday when we brought her home from the hospital. However, she is at a fun age right now, and I'm very grateful for being able to be a stay at home mom, getting to see every milestone so far!
Sunday in her Easter Dress
She's about 18 pounds now, has only her two bottom teeth still! Those top ones want to come thru so bad, and mommy wishes they would!! She's still in some 6-9 month clothes, mostly 9 mo despite her small figure like her mom! She's super picky when it comes to food. I've tried everything but the only thing she likes is green beans and fruit; I'm talking the puree ones still. She doesn't like anything with chunks in it! Dr. said as soon as she gets more teeth hopefully that will change! She loves her stroller rides, even more in the grocery cart at the store! She's only crawls like a monkey {on her feet}, and she's been cruising for some time now. Her favorite toys are mom and dad's cell phones and the remote {surprised?} Her first words were "Kitty Kitty", more like Tiddy Tiddy, ha ha. Her light of the day is seeing Willis {our family cat} and chasing him around all day. So cute, had to video it! Her most favorite thing to do in the house is play in the pantry--tuna fish cans and soup cans.

And, even more fun is playing with clean OR dirty clothes
And here we are, less then two months when I will be hosting her first birthday party {been my dream forever}, and I couldn't be more blessed every day! I love you God for giving us this sweet blessing!

Have a great day everyone!

We recently reserved our site for our first camping trip of 2012!  I don't know who's more excited, my husband, 4 year old or myself!  Even Oscar LOVES camping!  We have always camped, in a tent!  Yep, I said it, a tent!  There are several trips that we were thankful that our friends had a camper so we could hide out during rain storms but otherwise we love our tent! 

This is our first tent!  We actually bought it on a camping trip when we were dating! 

 This is our tent now!  LOVE it!  We can fit our double up inflatable mattress, area for Del to sleep, pack and play, chair to sit on and all of our clothes!  Plus there are so many nets to use to hang clothes on or keep certain items handy, which is nice with young children!  We always bring our oscillating fan with us, which is wonderful for those cool nights or warm mornings!

 This was our 2nd camping trip last year, our first one was Memorial weekend.  Abe was just 6 weeks old but it was so much fun!!!

 SOOOOO glad I saw this while registering, the best bouncy seat ever!!  Except there are 2 holes that you have to plug to keep bugs out.  Otherwise, it worked wonderfully last year!!!

Who doesn't love some creatures near your campsite!!

We have camped for years and each year we learn something new or think of something that we have to get for our next trip!
Always bring shower shoes, for everybody!
Be friendly, you never know what you might forget and need!
Travel light, you'll be so much happier with leaving some stuff behind!
Invest in a good mattress, you'll be refreshed after a good night's sleep!
 If camping with others, share food!
Enjoy your time together as a family!

Do you have family trips planned?!

Have you ever rushed from point A to B, only to get more frustrated as each minute passes by that you are not there yet or as quickly as you'd like?  That was me on Thursday...

I worked in the main office all day and planned on getting out early to head to the Secretary of State's office to renew my license.  Well, that was a great plan but as I'm sure you are all aware, plans usually don't go as you like.   

I got out of work later than I wanted, it seemed to take FOREVER to get to my car, then I had to try to find my brush in my purse (because I was finally updating my picture on my license since my current one is 7 years old!) and reapply my beautiful red lipstick, that I only wear on special occasions because who seriously wears lipstick while working at home with their kids at their feet?  

I finally arrived at point B, way after I had wished to be there.  I took the #77.  When I looked up to see #70 on the big black box, I though to myself "This will go quick!"
Well, it didn't!  I sat there for 10-15 minutes before the next number was called.  

And that's when it hit was like God was telling me something.

To be content, slow down, appreciate right now!
I really do love the fact that I can work from home but also have the opportunity, on occasion, to put on my special red lipstick and go to the office.  I enjoy walking in the cool weather.  And who doesn't love their picture taken on a great hair day!?!

So as I was sitting there, waiting oh so patiently for my number to be called, I realized that I need to slow down and be thankful that I have all that I have, and don't have for that matter.  

I need to be content and enjoy the moment.  

Smile and take the time to say hello to people.   

Take the time to listen to others.

My wish for all of you is that you'll take the time today, we're never promised tomorrow, to think of somebody else and enjoy your moment!

Cherish every minute...
before you know it, your baby goes from this:
to this!
Amazed how quickly the last 9 1/2 months have gone!  Enjoy this day with your family, make the most of your memories!



As I was pondering what to write about for all of you readers...I was working on an album for an amazing couple while checking my e-mails and the latest on Facebook (speaking of FB, we have a page on there, check us out here!), and as I got up for a snack I switched laundry over!  That, my friends, is called multitasking!  I love being challenged every day and apparently I've gotten pretty good at multitasking.  I know when something is not right with my schedule or my life, when the little things are bothering me.  So, I have to take a step back and realign if you will!

I know that there are so many tricks out there to keeping everything organized but this is what works for me!

One my my many challenges is groceries.  I didn't realize how much time was wasted when I would try to pull something together after working all day.  Some people are really good at this but I was not!  So, right now I'm trying to go grocery shopping once a week, I've gotten pretty good with not having to go the store for items here and there!  Plus, I usually go to the store by myself, which is a bonus!
I plan ahead for the next week what I'm going to make for dinner, Jen's idea here is awesome!  I just write on a sticky note what I'm going to make and keep it on the counter but her idea is so much more fun!
I make sure to only get the ingredients for those dinners, then I have to make them!  I also buy the essential staples otherwise I've gotten really good at only getting what is on my list, even if I see something while at the store, I usually don't get it.  We are trying really hard to stay on a budget and save more money and this was actually one of the big areas we needed to improve on.  I did try E-Mealz but I have so many recipes so this helped me to get use to getting only certain items.

While making dinner, I clean up!  That's huge for me since after dinner there is so little time with the boys before they go to bed.  Del will even help me wash the dishes that I do not put in the dishwasher, he loves it, for now!  :)  And I know if I leave everything after dinner, I won't get to it and I am not a happy person when I wake up to dishes in the sink, don't ask me why but it's my least favorite thing!

I also have started making Ry's lunch while dinner is in the oven or on the stove, and if I don't have time during that, then I get it all together after dinner.  I will also get the coffee ready for the next morning!  Waking up and not being stressed about what I am doing makes my mornings much more enjoyable!  I enjoy packing Ry's lunch (I even put little notes of encouragement in them!) so when I'm not stressed about everything I have to do before I start work, then my day starts out so much more positive!

I also do not do much housework between dinner and the boy's bedtimes.  That's our family time!  I will do as much as I can while dinner is cooking (switch laundry, vacuum, etc)!  Did you notice I said SWITCH laundry, I only fold laundry after dinner also!  I will do that if we are watching a family movie or the boys are having fun on their own otherwise I try to spend as much time with them as possible after dinner!

One more thing about dinner, crock pots are WONDERFUL!!!  For tonight I already have cooking boneless, skinless chicken breasts, potatoes and carrots drenched in Italian dressing!  YUM!  I'll post pictures later!!

I also buy birthday and anniversary cards the end of the month for the next month!  Who doesn't love getting a card in the mail?!  I know I love them!!!  I also love taking the time to think of others, it's amazing how much time goes by without a quick phone call, we all text now don't we?!  I do too, but taking the time to pick out a special card for somebody means a lot more than you think!

Those are just a few of the daily items I love being challenged with!

So, make the most of your time and you'll be a lot happier!  You will enjoy the down time so much more also and you won't have that little voice in your head making you feel guilty!  What are a few tricks you do to help you stay sane?!

Have a fabulous week!!!

There is so much love you can have for your husband, but when you start a family, wow the love you have for your children is 100 times more!  It's different I guess I should say.  Children are God's amazing creation of you and your husband.  

They may have certain traits from both of you, maybe even another family member.  With our now 9 month old, Abram, his personality is coming out more often.  He gets his patience from his Momma, I have known!  He gets his gorgeous blue eyes from his Daddy!  He loves food, probably from both his Momma and Daddy!  :)  

So, as Abe has been showing us his personality, it's had me wondering about our 4 year old son, Del, and what traits he has inherited from his birth parents.  

He means so much to us and I cannot imagine our lives without him!  His smile lights up the entire room, his gorgeous brown eyes look right to your heart and he cares for everybody and wants to give anybody a hug!  He has really opened up my eyes to see good in everybody and every situation!  

We do not know anything about his birth parents, we have 1 picture and we do show it to him and try to explain the best we can to a 4 year old who she is.  We want to be as open & honest as possible so hopefully the older he gets the less confusion he'll have.  I am reading a few books right now on adoption and if I ever finish any of them I will let you all know which ones I found helpful!

Being a Momma to Del and Abe are no different to me, and I'm sure my husband would agree.  They both are our boys, rather they are blood or not.  There are even certain things that Del has always done that are so similar to my husband and his patience is also just like mine!  Poor kid!  :)  

We wake up and go to sleep everyday praying for our children, both of them!  I check on both of them each night before I go to bed and pray over them!  We are teaching them both about God's unending love!  We introduce them both as our sons!  Without either of them, I would not be who I am today!

I love you little man and lil miracle!  
 The car ride home and beginning to his Forever life with our family!
First day at home!

If you are contemplating adoption, foster care or foster to adopt, please feel free to ask any questions and I'll do a blog post answering them the best I can!!!

Love Today!

I Love My Family. Here is a Christmas picture of me and my girls..xoxo