Friday, July 27, 2012

You Never Fail...

So, it seems like everybody setting goals for themselves lately...which is great! 

However, when I set a goal...I usually forget about it or change it so I will accomplish it and move on to something else.

I am not a runner, but I use to love to run!  A few of my friends are running/walking in 5K's this year, not me!  I'm totally okay with that!!

I love where I am with my photography business, of course there's always a new camera, lens, or bag I'd love to have but I really do not need right now.  I would love to be completely booked til 2013, but that's seems a little stressful so right now, I feel pretty content with my business!

So, that leaves our house!  Our house is still for sale, so I really do not want to do too many projects around the house, especially expensive projects.  

However, as many of you probably know, Pinterest is very encouraging in the project area so I'm going to commit to making 1 item a month!  

How fun, right?!  

For somebody who is crafty, sure.  Jen - I'm sure I'll be asking for your help!!!  But that's so not me!  

So, this is going to be a challenge but I think once I get the ball rolling, it'll be fun!  I'm sure there will be projects that are a complete fail, but at least I tried!

I have a saying in my kitchen - You Never Fail Til You Stop Trying!  How wonderful is that!!!  

My first project, is going to be a crazy new braid/twist/bun with my hair!  Hey, it counts!!!  I'll post the Pin and also my results!
Fish braid/bun 
Here's what I pinned...looks simple, huh?!  I can't wait to try it for girls night tonight!!!

I am also working on a little project of redoing the boys play area downstairs!  This area drives me CRAZY!!!  They love it, but it's SO unorganized and I cannot stand it!!! 
Here's a picture of the madness as of this morning!
 They love it, however it's way too busy for me!!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jenn, I luv the hair do! I wish my hair was thick enough to do that. And I'm sure that your hair will be adorable!!
