Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Maui Here we Come..well maybe ?

You haven't seen a blog from me on vacations lately so I thought I better bring you up to speed.  So I booked a secret trip to Maui for next March for our family and have been holding it in for several months (I try not to overwhelm Paul about vacation until it gets somewhat close..he always tells me to just book it and he will come)  When I booked the trip for some reason I didn't book a plane ticked for my husband Paul..I really don't remember why..well now  I am very thankful that I didn't book that ticket for him.  Paul has been attending Progressive Orthodontics for the last year and I found out on Saturday that his last class and graduation is actually a day after we leave for Maui.  I had to break the news to him and I don't know what I am going to do as the trip is already booked.  He was actually very calm, which is his usual self and just said "I will be in Detroit for my class so when I'm done I will just fly out".  This sounds great except that I am now flying to Maui by myself with 2 small children- 14 hours + - wow I think I'm going to have an ulcer.  I can handle a lot of things, but I'm not sure about getting to Detroit for an early morning flight and surviving through the day.  Once we make it to Maui I will be fine with the kids for a few days before Paul arrives, but the trip there is going to be an adventure.  I for sure am going to make sure that Paul's ticket home is on the same flight as the rest of us no matter the cost! 

With that said..anyone want to join me in Maui??  Jen? Jenn??
I'll keep you all posted with my plan!

1 comment:

  1. So is this the secret you've been keeping from us??? I wanna join but I'm not ready to travel that far with a toddler!!! But we will be going to Flordia in Feb too!!
