Friday, June 1, 2012

The Boys

Every morning, I go in and get the boys up and I am again reminded by how quickly they grow up!!  It seems like everyday they change!  They are taller, bigger, sillier and doing more and more!  

Abe is now 13 months old!  
A few things he is doing right now:
*LOVES to walk/run everywhere
*loves food (especially any kind of dessert)
*signs "more" & "please" & "all done"
*says Mama, Dada, Oscar (Ahh), duck
*wearing 18 months clothes
*size 4 diapers
*size 5-6 shoes
*loves dirt & water
*makes amazing sounds to go with cars, trucks, or tractors

Del is now 4 1/2!  He will correct you if you say 4!
A few things he is doing right now:
*writing letters & numbers very well
*just got done playing t-ball
*riding his bike without training wheels, with assistance but only a little bit!
*still very concerned for others if they are hurt or in trouble
*loves fishing, camping, being outside in general
*loves snuggle (when he chooses)
*wearing some 5T clothes, mainly boys Small or Medium

*size 12 shoes

I'm working on posting a little video of the boys recently...hopefully I'll get it to post later today!


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