So this post is for Jen-the ULTIMATE COOKIE BAKER. This blog is all about being honest right?? Well..I am not a good cook or baker and I have never made homemade Sugar Cookies until NOW. Last weekend I was in the mood for Jen's famous Secret Sugar Cookies and because we live too far away I couldn't just drive to her house for some. I decided to ask her for the recipe and give it a shot. I told my husband Paul and he was like "Heidi I hope they turn out"..and to be honest I was kind of thinking the same thing. I asked Kylie if she wanted to help and she was soo excited- she put on her new Minnie Mouse apron and helped me from start to finish. We decided to use the new Mickey Mouse Cookie Cutters that we got at Disney World and they worked great. Here is what they looked like prior to the oven:
and here is what they looked like with the icing and sprinkles on them:
Now I know they are nowhere as nice looking as Jen's, but they sure did taste good. Paul even said "Heidi those are the best homemade Sugar cookies I have ever had", which made me feel great! Kylie loved them too- if you can't tell from her face.
Stay tuned ..who knows maybe I will be starting a bakery soon...ha.
Hot Dog Hot Dog Hot Diggety Dog!
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