Thursday, July 26, 2012

abc's Canvas

Since I haven't been home much this summer, I haven't posted much about crafts or food.  I also posted that I was going to start re-decorating Maddie's bedroom as a big girl room.  First I started with salvaging the tissue pom pom's that I used from her 1st birthday party.  I'm taking baby steps and making sure what I do is going to be for a while.  Since she likes circles and balls part of her room will include that.  I figure I would make a canvas picture that had circles and incorporate the abc's somehow.  This is what I came up with:

I'm not going to hang it up on the wall until her room is done, as I have the entire room a disaster!

Here is what you need:

White canvas
White contact paper
Circle template (size of your choice, I used a 3")
Foam letters
Spray paint of your choice in color

First, trace on the back of the contact paper the circles.  I did enough for the entire alphabet and then some extras.

Make your pattern on the canvas board.  This is what I came up with.

Spray the entire board with the spray paint.  I did 4 coats and let each dry completely.

After it dries, peel off the contact paper circles.

Place your foam letters on however you want and Ta Da....



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